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Upgrade guide



  • It is not advised to upgrade an application using Goyave v4 to v5. Goyave v5 is an entire rewrite of the framework and is very different from the older versions. Upgrading to v5 will be time-consuming and error-prone.
  • This upgrade guide may be incomplete. If you encounter anything that wasn't covered while upgrading your application, please open a pull request.


  • It is advised to read the new documentation and the v5 release notes before starting the upgrade process.
  • This guide will walk you through the minimal upgrade path. Once your application is upgraded, it won't exactly match the new recommended directory structure and architecture, but will continue working as before.
  • If you have any question or need help, don't hesitate to come and ask over on discord.


Upgrading an existing application to v5 can be a long process. It is advised to start by refactoring progressively some aspects of your application first to make the transition easier.

First, you can import both v4 and v5 in your project at the same time because they have a different import path due to the major version being incremented. This way you can start using the new and updated tools partially.

go get -u

The package identifier is identical, so you will need to add an alias when importing v5:

import goyave5 ""
import validation5 ""

Every element of your application that is equivalent to a component in Goyave v5 should be refactored to be a struct with a constructor. For example, a constructor is not a simple set of functions anymore. Doing this will also help the next step of dependency decoupling.


// http/controller/user/user.go
func Show(response *goyave.Response, request *goyave.Request) {


// http/controller/user/user.go
type Controller struct{

func NewController() *Controller {
	return &Controller{}

func (ctrl *Controller) Show(response *goyave.Response, request *goyave.Request) {


Don't forget to update the route registrer.

Validation rules

// http/validation/validation.go
func validateCustom(ctx *validation.Context) bool {
	return false


// http/validation/custom.go
type CustomValidator struct{ validation5.BaseValidator }

func (v *CustomValidator) Validate(ctx *validation.Context) bool {
	return false

func (v *CustomValidator) Name() string { return "custom" }

func (v *CustomValidator) IsType() bool { return true }          // Only if needed
func (v *CustomValidator) IsTypeDependent() bool { return true } // Only if needed

func Custom() *CustomValidator {
	return &CustomValidator{}

Registering your rules changes:

validation.AddRule("password", &validation.RuleDefinition{
	Function:           validatePassword,
	RequiredParameters: 0,


validator := Custom()
validation.AddRule(validator.Name(), &validation.RuleDefinition{
	Function:           validator.Validate(),
	RequiredParameters: 0,     // Won't be needed anymore after v5 switch
	IsType:             validator.IsType(),
	IsTypeDependent:    validator.IsTypeDependent(),
	ComparesFields:     false, // Won't be needed anymore after v5 switch


// http/middleware/custom.go
func CustomMiddleware(param, column string, model interface{}) goyave.Middleware {
	return func(next goyave.Handler) goyave.Handler {
		return func(response *goyave.Response, request *goyave.Request) {
			next(response, request)


// http/middleware/custom.go
type Custom struct {

func (m *Custom) Handle(next goyave.Handler) goyave.Handler {
	return func(response *goyave.Response, request *goyave.Request) {
		next(response, request)

Route definitions change as follows:




Status handler

// http/controller/status/custom.go
func CustomStatusHandler(response *goyave.Response, request *goyave.Request) {


// http/controller/status/custom.go
type CustomStatusHandler struct {

func (*CustomStatusHandler) Handle(response *Response, request *Request) {

Route definitions change as follows:




Dependency decoupling

The next step is to decouple global dependencies from your components.

Check for every use of,, and goyave.Logger / goyave.ErrLogger, goyave.AccessLogger.

For languages, we will create a simple adapter that acts as a proxy to the global language package. With its structure nature, we will be able to use it as a dependency in our components. It will be easy to replace with the actual v5 language implementation later:

// lang/lang.go
package lang

import glang ""

type Languages struct{}

func (l *Languages) Get(lang string, line string, placeholders ...string) string {
	return glang.Get(lang, line, placeholders...)

Now let's move all these global dependencies to struct fields:

type Controller struct{
	db *gorm.DB
	lang *lang.Languages
	customConfigEntry string

func NewController(db *gorm.DB, lang *lang.Languages, customConfigEntry string) *Controller {
	return &Controller{
		db:                db,
		lang:              lang,
		customConfigEntry: customConfigEntry,


  • For configuration, you are advised to only pass the actual values and not a configuration object.
  • Don't forget to update where your components were previously used and how they are initialized.

Switching to v5

  • Replace import to and remove all the aliases previously defined.
  • Remove the language adapter previously implemented. Remove it from the components dependencies as well.
  • Update route definitions by passing directly your middleware and status handlers instead of their Handle method.
  • Remove all uses of validation.AddRule().
  • From your components
    • if you have access to the goyave.Request, use request.Lang.Get() instead of the language adapter. Otherwise simply replace the use of lang with Lang() (accessible through the goyave.Component composition).
    • you don't necessarily need to remove the db dependency. But if you want to, you can now access it from component.DB().
    • Make sure your components are initialized. If they are not passed to the framework through methods such as router.Controller(), router.Middleware(), etc, they probably won't be initialized, which will prevent them from accessing the server's resources.
  • Logging now uses structured logs. Replace the uses of Println() by Info().


  • If your configuration was loaded manually, it now returns a *config.Config and an error instead of just an error.
  • Create a new *goyave.Server, register the routes and the startup, shutdown and signal hooks.
  • Start the server with server.Start().
  • *goyave.Error has been removed. This means the server doesn't return exit codes anymore. You can use the exit codes of your choice. Exit codes that were returned didn't really bring value. The error message in the logs is more important.
  • Errors returned by the server are now always of type *errors.Error. Which should be logged either with a Goyave *slog.Logger or like so if you don't already have access to the logger:
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err.(*errors.Error).String())


goyave.RegisterStartupHook(func() {
	goyave.Logger.Println("Server is listening")
goyave.RegisterShutdownHook(func() {
	goyave.Logger.Println("Server is shutting down")

if err := goyave.Start(route.Register); err != nil {


server, err := goyave.New(opts)
if err != nil {
	fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err.(*errors.Error).String())

server.Logger.Info("Registering hooks")

server.RegisterStartupHook(func(s *goyave.Server) {
	server.Logger.Info("Server is listening", "host", s.Host())

server.RegisterShutdownHook(func(s *goyave.Server) {
	s.Logger.Info("Server is shutting down")

server.Logger.Info("Registering routes")

if err := server.Start(); err != nil {


The following configuration entries changes may affect your application:

  • server.protocol, server.httpsPort and server.tls were removed: protocol is only http as TLS/HTTPS support has been removed because Goyave applications are most of the time deployed behind a proxy.
  • server.timeout has been split: server.writeTimeout, server.readTimeout, server.idleTimeout, server.readHeaderTimeout, server.websocketCloseTimeout.
  • server.maintenance was removed.
  • database entries do not have a default value anymore. They were previously using default values for MySQL.
  • New entries database.defaultReadQueryTimeout and database.defaultWriteQueryTimeout add a timeout mechanism to your database operations. If you have long queries, increase their values. Set to 0 to disable the timeouts.
  • auth.jwt.rsa.password was removed.


  • request.ToStruct() was removed, use typeutil.Convert() instead.
  • request.Data is now any instead of map[string]any. You should use safe type assertions before use.
  • Query data is not in request.Data anymore, it is now split in request.Query.
  • Request.Request().Context() can be replaced with request.Context().
  • request.URI() was renamed request.URL().
  • Request accessors such as Has(), String(), Numeric(), etc were all removed.
  • request.CORSOptions() was removed. You can access CORS options via the route meta: request.Route.Meta[goyave.MetaCORS].(*cors.Options).


  • response.HandleDatabaseError(db) becomes !response.WriteDBError(err)
    • WriteDBError() returns true if there is an error and that you should return. This is the opposite of HandleDatabaseError.
  • response.Error(), response.JSON(), response.String() etc do not return an error anymore.
  • response.Redirect() was removed. You can replace by http.Redirect(response, request.Request(), url, http.StatusPermanentRedirect).
  • Template rendering was removed. response.Render() and response.RenderHTML() are not available anymore. If you were using them, you should now render manually and use response.Write().
  • response.GetError() now returns *errors.Error instead of any.
  • response.GetStacktrace() was removed. You can now access the stacktrace from the error itself.
  • response.File() and response.Download() now take a file system as first parameter. Use &osfs.FS{} to keep the previous behavior.

Error handling

  • Try removing the uses of panic. Instead, make your methods/functions return an error all the way up to a HTTP handler, which will use response.Error().
  • Use error wrapping everywhere an error is returned.


  • The route registrer now takes server as parameter: func Register(server *goyave.Server, router *goyave.Router)
  • request.Params becomes request.RouteParams.
  • request.Route() becomes request.Route.
  • router.Route() now takes a string slice as first parameter instead of pipe-separated list of methods.
  • route.Validate is now split in two: route.ValidateQuery() and route.ValidateBody().
  • The routing algorithm has slightly changed to prevent some conflicts between two subrouters whose prefixes start with the same characters. Also, when a subrouter matches but none of its routes match, the other subrouters won't be checked (no turning back).
  • The parse middleware is not a core middleware anymore. You need to add it as a global middleware: router.GlobalMiddleware(&parse.Middleware{})
  • router.Static() now takes a file system as first parameter and returns the generated *Route.


  • database.View was removed because it isn't of any use anymore after the testing changes.
  • Database initializers were removed, make the changes on your database after server.New() and before server.Start().
  • database.RegisterModel() was removed, it isn't of any use anymore after the removal of auto migrations and the testing changes.
  • Auto migrations were removed. You can still use auto migrations with Gorm if you want, but this is discouraged.
  • database.Paginator now takes a generic parameter representing the model to paginate.
  • The Gorm instance is now using the Goyave logger instead of the default one. If you tweaked the Gorm logger, make sure to update your implementation, preferably using *database.Logger.


  • The validation message keys for array elements were changed. Replace .array with .element.
  • Type-dependent validators can also support the object type now.
  • lang.Get(request.Lang) becomes request.Lang.Get or component.Lang().Get()
  • fields.json is now a map[string]string. There is no object with "name" nor "rules" anymore.


  • The validation of query and body is now split in two:
    • route.ValidateQuery() and route.ValidateBody(). The first call of either of those will automatically add the validation middleware to the route.
    • The validation error response body is slightly different:
      • Instead of validationError, the key is now error to be consistent with the rest of the error handlers.
      • Here is an example of the new format. The highlighted lines show the differences:
  "error": {
    "body": {
      "fields": {
        "user": {
          "fields": {
            "name": {
              "errors": ["The name may not have more than 255 characters."]
            "roles": {
              "errors": ["The roles may not have more than 2 items."],
              "elements": {
                "2": {
                  "errors": ["The roles elements must have one of the following values: viewer, admin, moderator."]
          "errors": ["The user must be an object"]
    "query": {
      "fields": {
        "group": {
          "errors": ["The group ID is required."]
  • validation.Validate and validation.ValidateWithExtra becomes validation.Validate(opts).
    • The validation.Options contains several options, as well as external dependencies such as the language, the database, the config, etc. Those will be passed to the validators so they can access them just like any regular component.
    • isJSON becomes ConvertSingleValueArrays, which does the same but the logic is different so the bool value will be the opposite.
    • This function now also returns a slice of errors. Those are not validation errors, they are actual execution errors.
data := map[string]any{
	"string": "hello world",
    "number": 42,

ruleSet := validation.RuleSet{
	"string": validation.List{"required", "string"},
	"number": validation.List{"required", "numeric", "min:10"},

errors := validation.Validate(data, ruleSet, true, request.Lang)


// "ctrl" here is a Component 

ruleSet := validation.RuleSet{
	{Path: validation.CurrentElement, Rules: validation.List{validation.Required(), validation.Object()}},
	{Path: "string", Rules: validation.List{validation.Required(), validation.String()}},
	{Path: "number", Rules: validation.List{validation.Required(), validation.Float64(), validation.Min(10)}},

opt := &validation.Options{
	Data:                     data,
	Rules:                    ruleSet,
	Now:                      request.Now,
	ConvertSingleValueArrays: false,
	Language:                 request.Lang,
	DB:                       ctrl.DB().WithContext(request.Context()),
	Config:                   ctrl.Config(),
	Logger:                   ctrl.Logger(),
	Extra:                    map[any]any{},
validationErrors, errs := validation.Validate(opt)
  • Validation is not always executed last as it used to. It is now executed following the same rules of ordering as regular middleware: you can now chose when validation occurs in the middleware stack. Make sure you call ValidateBody/ValidateQuery after your permission/auth middleware.
  • The order in which fields are validated is now guaranteed and can be controlled by the developer. Make sure your rule sets or custom rules don't rely on other fields that need conversion (float64/int). Adjust validation order or your custom rules accordingly.
  • The PostValidationHooks were removed. Use a middleware executed after the validation middleware to get the same effect.
  • The root element of the data under validation can now be anything, not necessarily an object. Make sure to add the Object() validator to all your requests on the path validation.CurrentElement.
  • Some of the structures were renamed to make more sense considering the fact that the root element is not always an object anymore:
    • validation.Errors is now validation.FieldsErrors.
    • validation.FieldErrors is now validation.Errors.
  • A validation "rule" is now named a "validator".

Custom rules

  • ctx.Data is now any instead of map[string]any. Use safe type-assertions if needed.
  • ctx.Extra["request"] becomes ctx.Extra[validation.ExtraRequest{}]
  • ctx.Extra is not scoped to the current validator only anymore. The same reference given in Options.Extra is shared between all validators. Make sure your custom validators won't conflict.
  • Validator instances are not meant for re-use. Make sure to not persist any data inside a validator.
  • ctx.Valid() becomes ctx.Invalid (the boolean value is thus inverted).
  • ctx.Rule was removed. ctx.Rule.Params becomes validator struct fields. The values are passed to the validator constructor.
  • Don't panic inside validators. If you need to report an error, use Context.AddError().
func validateCustom(ctx *validation.Context) bool {
	if !ctx.Valid() {
		return false

	value, err := strconv.ParseInt(ctx.Rule.Params[0], 10, 64)
	if err != nil {

	ok, err := checkValue(ctx.Value, value)
	if err != nil {
	return ok


type CustomValidator struct{
	Value int

func (v *CustomValidator) Validate(ctx *validation.Context) bool {
	ok, err := checkValue(ctx.Value)
	if err != nil {
		return false
	return false

func Custom(value int) *CustomValidator {
	return &CustomValidator{
		Value: value
  • The concept of placeholders in validation has changed:
    • Placeholders are not global functions (replacer function) anymore: validation.SetPlaceholder() was removed. All built-in placeholders were therefore also removed. Some of your validation error messages for your custom rules may be broken as a result unless you add them back as explained below.
    • The :field placeholder remains unchanged.
    • Each validator returns it's own placeholder associative slices with an implementation of MessagePlaceholders(*validation.Context) []string.
validation.SetPlaceholder("value", func(fieldName, language string, ctx *validation.Context) string {
	return ctx.Rule.Params[0]


func (v *CustomValidator) MessagePlaceholders(_ *validation.Context) []string {
	return []string{
		":value", strconv.Itoa(v.Value),

Rule sets

  • The rule sets definition has completely changed.
    • Rule sets are not meant for re-use anymore. A new rule set should be generated for each request. This is why route.ValidateBody() and route.ValidateQuery() take a function as parameter: func(*Request) validation.RuleSet.
    • Rules (now called "validators"), are now struct instances. They are not identified by strings anymore.
    • Rule sets don't have any alternative syntax anymore.
    • Rule sets are slices. The order of validation is the order of the slice returned by the function. The only exception being the array elements, which will always be executed before their parent so arrays can be validated recursively and properly converted.
    • validation.CurrentElement is now effective everywhere, even out of composition. The root element under validation can be anything, not necessarily an object. Every rule set should contain some validators for the validation.CurrentElement path.
  • The convention for the file in which the validation rules changed from request.go to validation.go.
  • When using composition, the validators inside the composed rule set will be executed relatively to the element. ctx.Data will not be equal to the root data but to the parent element linked to the composed rule set. This affects comparison rules, whose comparison paths will now be relative.
// http/controller/request.go
var (
	InsertRequest validation.RuleSet = validation.RuleSet{
		"email":    validation.List{"required", "string", "email", "between:3,100", "unique:users"},
		"username": validation.List{"required", "string", "between:3,100", "unique:users"},
		"image":    validation.List{"nullable", "file", "image", "max:2048", "count:1"},
		"password": validation.List{"required", "string", "between:6,100"},


// http/controller/validation.go
import (
	v ""

func InsertRequest(_ *goyave.Request) v.RuleSet {
	return v.RuleSet{
		{Path: v.CurrentElement, Rules: v.List{v.Required(), v.Object()}},
		{Path: "email", Rules: v.List{
			v.Required(), v.String(), v.Email(), v.Between(3, 100),
			v.Unique(func(db *gorm.DB, val any) *gorm.DB {
				return db.Table("users").Where("email", val)
		{Path: "username", Rules: v.List{
			v.Required(), v.String(), v.Between(3, 100),
			v.Unique(func(db *gorm.DB, val any) *gorm.DB {
				return db.Table("users").Where("username", val)
		{Path: "image", Rules: v.List{
			v.Required(), v.File(), v.Image(), v.Max(2048), v.FileCount(1),
		{Path: "password", Rules: v.List{
			v.Required(), v.String(), v.Between(6,100), 


As said before, "rules" are now named "validators". Some of them were changed significantly but most of them keep the same behavior.

  • Numeric rules now let you pick the exact Go type you want. The new validators will automatically check that the input value fits inside the corresponding type.
    • integer becomes: Int(), Int8(), Int16(), Int32(), Int64(), Uint(), Uint8(), Uint16(), Uint32(), Uint64().
    • numeric becomes: Float32(), Float64().
  • Array() doesn't have type parameters anymore. To validate array elements, add a path entry matching the array elements.
  • Size() validator and its derivatives such as Min(), Max(), etc now also work with objects and will validate its number of keys.


  • The authentication middleware now use route meta to identify if a route requires authentication or not. You can now use the authentication middleware as a global middleware, and mark each router or route with SetMeta(auth.MetaAuth, true).
  • The authenticator middleware now takes a generic parameters, which represent the authenticated user's DTO.
  • Authenticators now use constructors and depend on a service. If you are initializing them like so &auth.JWTAuthenticator{}, you should now use auth.NewJWTAuthenticator(userService).
  • Struct tags auth:"username" and auth:"password" are not used anymore. Authentication now works with a user service. Refer to the authentication documentation for more details.
  • auth.FindColumns was removed.
  • Custom authenticators now take a generic parameter representing the authenticated user's DTO, and a user service parameter allowing them to fetch the user. Refer to the authentication documentation for more details.
  • Support for password-protected RSA keys has been dropped.


  • Websockets now use New() with a controller interface. Websocket controllers should now be components implementing a method Serve(*websocket.Conn, *goyave.Request) error.
  • The following websocket options are now interfaces that can be implemented by the websocket controller: UpgradeErrorHandler, ErrorHandler, CheckOrigin, Headers.
  • Refer to the websocket documentation for more details.


  • The new testutil package contains the testing utilities.
  • You are not forced to used testify anymore. You can now use the testing framework of your choice.
  • goyave.TestSuite was removed.
    • You can generate test request and responses without having to use a suite with testutil.NewTestRequest() and testutil.NewTestResponse().
    • Use the testutil.NewTestServer().
    • It is not required to run a server (and listen to a port) anymore to test your routes. See the testing documentation for more details.
    • The GOYAVE_ENV environment variable is not set automatically anymore.
    • The working directory is not automatically changed anymore.
    • Tests can now safely run in parallel.
  • database.Factory now takes a generic parameter representing the model to generate. Generator functions should now a return a pointer to the actual model type instead of any.


suite.RunServer(route.Register, func() {
	resp, err := suite.Get("/hello", nil)
	if resp != nil {
		defer resp.Body.Close()
		suite.Equal(200, resp.StatusCode)
		suite.Equal("Hi!", string(suite.GetBody(resp)))


server := testutil.NewTestServerWithOptions(t, goyave.Options{Config: config.LoadDefault()})

request := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/hello", nil)
response := server.TestRequest(request)
defer response.Body.Close()
// assertions


  • The lib was updated and some of the design has changed.
    • DefaultSort is now an option. Use it instead of altering the request's data/query before filtering.
    • Scope() now use a *filter.Request instead of reading directory from the HTTP request. Use filter.NewRequest(request.Query) to create one.
    • Scope() now returns an error instead of the database instance result.
    • filter query field is now always a []string slice (not string).
    • Validation error messages names had a "goyave-filter-" prefix added. If you overrode those messages, make sure to update the names of the entries.
  • fsutil.File.Data was removed. You should open and read the fsutil.File.Header.Open() instead.
  • Functions from the fsutil package now take a file system as parameter.
  • util/walk
    • walk.Path.Walk() callback now takes a pointer *walk.Context.
  • The commom and combined access loggers now output to the structured logger. If you have services parsing your logs, they should be updated accordingly.
  • goyave.Logger, goyave.ErrLogger and goyave.AccessLogger were removed. If you were using a custom logger, make sure it supports structured logging, and replace server.Logger instead.
  • The Gzip middleware was removed and replaced by the compress.Middleware. See the documentation for information about its new usage.
  • The util/reflectutil package was removed.
  • The util/sliceutil package was removed. Use samber/lo instead.
  • util/typeutil's functions ToFloat64() and ToString() were removed.
  • goyave.BaseURL() and goyave.ProxyBaseURL() were removed. Use server.BaseURL() and server.ProxyBaseURL() instead.
  • goyave.GetRoute() was removed. Use router.GetRoute() instead. The router can be retrieved from a request with request.Route.GetParent().
  • goyave.EnableMaintenance(), goyave.DisableMaintenance() and goyave.IsMaintenanceEnabled() were removed.
  • The CORS middleware is now global, meaning it is executed earlier in the request's lifecycle.