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Repositories are part of the Data layer. They implement the methods that will be called to work with the data (fetch, create, update, delete, etc) and will use models. Models are a Go representation of your database schema. An instance of a model is a single database record.

A repository should not have any dependency to a service, but can depend on other repositories. Therefore, it must interact only with the database: its purpose is to execute the necessary unitary database operation for data manipulation. No business logic should be implemented in the repositories.

For example, if we have a system that tracks user actions (user history) and we want a "register" history entry to be created when the user creates their account, we would have two repositories that don't depend on each other:

  • the user.Create method should only create the user, not the associated history entry.
  • the history.Create method should only create the history entry.

It is the services job to handle these kind of scenarios, using a transaction.


Models are defined in the database/model package. Each resource has its own file. Models are usually just normal Golang structs, basic Go types, or pointers of them. sql.Scanner and driver.Valuer interfaces are also supported.


// database/model/user.go
package model

import (


type User struct {
	ID        uint `gorm:"primarykey"`
	CreatedAt time.Time
	UpdatedAt null.Time
	DeletedAt gorm.DeletedAt `gorm:"index"`
	Email     string         `gorm:"uniqueIndex"`

func (User) TableName() string {
	return "users"


It is recommended to always define a TableName() method.


Learn more about model definition on Gorm's documentation.


Each repository should have its own file in database/repository, named after the resource it is using, in singular form.

Full example:

// database/repository/user.go
package repository

import (


// User repository for user manipulation in the database.
type User struct {
	DB *gorm.DB

// NewUser create a new user repository.
func NewUser(db *gorm.DB) *User {
	return &User{
		DB: db,

// Paginate returns a paginator after executing it.
func (r *User) Paginate(ctx context.Context, page int, pageSize int) (*database.Paginator[*model.User], error) {
	users := []*model.User{}

	paginator := database.NewPaginator(r.DB, page, pageSize, &users)
	err := paginator.Find()
	return paginator, err

// First returns the user identified by the given ID, or `nil`
func (r *User) First(ctx context.Context, id uint) (*model.User, error) {
	var user *model.User
	db := r.DB.Where("id", id).First(&user)
	return user, errors.New(db.Error)