Outdated documentation

You are reading documentation for v3, which is an outdated version. Click here to go to the latest documentation.

# Introduction

Welcome to the Goyave documentation!

This documentation is both a guide and a reference for Goyave application building. You will find instructions covering the basics as well as more advanced topics, from project setup to deployment. But first, let's talk about the framework itself.

Goyave is an opinionated Golang REST API framework aiming at cleanliness, fast development and power. Goyave applications stay clean and concise thanks to minimalist function calls and route handlers. The framework gives you all the tools to create an easily readable and maintainable web applications, which let you concentrate on the business logic. Although Goyave is a full package requiring very few setup and that handles many things for you, such as headers or marshaling, this characteristic doesn't compromise on your freedom of code.


Please feel free to sudgest changes, ask for more details, report grammar errors, or notice of uncovered scenarios by creating an issue (opens new window) with the proposal template.

# Example Project

If you are looking for examples, check out the Blog Example Project (opens new window).

# Discord

Come and learn about the framework, stay updated on the progress, be notified when there is a new release, get help, suggest new features or changes, contribute to the project, and more!


# Sponsors, patrons and donators

  • Ben Hyrman
  • Massimiliano Bertinetti
  • ethicnology

# Contributors

A big "Thank you" to the Goyave contributors: