# Upgrade Guide

Although Goyave is developed with backwards compatibility, breaking changes can happen, especially in the project's early days. This guide will help you to upgrade your applications using older versions of the framework. Bear in mind that if you are several versions behind, you will have to follow the instructions for each in-between versions.

# v3.7.0+ to v4.0.0

First, replace goyave.dev/goyave/v3 with goyave.dev/goyave/v4. Go <1.16 is not supported anymore, the requirements have been bumped to Go 1.16+ and only the last two major verions of Go will be supported, starting with v4.0.0.

# Validation changes

# Requests

The syntax for rules definition has changed.

var (
	StoreRequest = validation.RuleSet{
		"text":         {"required", "string", "between:3,50"},
		"object.field": {"required", "string"},
		"values":       {"required", "array", ">array", ">>array:numeric", ">max:3", ">>>max:4"},


var (
	StoreRequest = validation.RuleSet{
		"text":         validation.List{"required", "string", "between:3,50"},
		"object.field": validation.List{"required", "string"},
		"values":       validation.List{"required", "array"},
		"values[]":     validation.List{"array", "max:3"},
		"values[][]":   validation.List{"array:numeric"},
		"values[][][]": validation.List{"numeric", "max:4"},


You can use an alias on the validation import to shorten the syntax:

import v "goyave.dev/goyave/v3/validation"

var (
	EchoRequest = v.RuleSet{
		"text": v.List{"required", "string", "between:3,50"},

When using the verbose syntax (*validation.Rules), there is no ArrayDimension field anymore.

rules := &validation.Rules{
	Fields: validation.FieldMap{
		"info": {
			Rules: []*validation.Rule{
				{Name: "nullable"},
				{Name: "array", Params: []string{"string"}},
				{Name: "min", Params: []string{"2"}, ArrayDimension: 1},


rules := &validation.Rules{
	Fields: validation.FieldMap{
		"info": &validation.Field{
			Rules: []*validation.Rule{
				{Name: "nullable"},
				{Name: "array", Params: []string{"string"}},
		"info[]": &validation.Field{
			Rules: []*validation.Rule{
				{Name: "min", Params: []string{"2"}},

Because required now allows empty string, you will have to add another rule to your validated strings (if not already the case):

var (
	StoreRequest = validation.RuleSet{
		"text":         validation.List{"required", "string"},


var (
	StoreRequest = validation.RuleSet{
		"text":         validation.List{"required", "string", "min:1"}, // min:1 added

# Custom rules

The signature of validation.RuleFunc has changed to func(*validation.Context) bool.

func validatePassword(field string, value interface{}, parameters []string, form map[string]interface{}) bool {
	// ...


func validatePassword(ctx *Context) bool {
	// field      is now ctx.Name
	// value      is now ctx.Value
	// parameters is now ctx.Rule.Params
	// form       is now ctx.Data
	// ...

Converting rules previously updated input data like this:

fieldName, _, parent, _ := GetFieldFromName(field, form)
parent[fieldName] = newValue

Now they must update the context value:

ctx.Value = newValue

# Placeholders

The signature of validation.Placeholder has changed to func(fieldName string, language string, ctx *validation.Context) string.

func myPlaceholder(field string, rule string, parameters []string, language string) string {
	return parameters[0]


func myPlaceholder(field string, language string, ctx *Context) string {
	// the old "rule" paramater becomes "ctx.Rule.Name"
	return ctx.Rule.Params[0]

# Errors

Instead of a flat map[string][]string, validation.Errors (what is returned by validation.Validate()) is now a recursive structure defined as follows:

type Errors map[string]*FieldErrors

type ArrayErrors map[int]*FieldErrors

type FieldErrors struct {
	Fields   Errors      `json:"fields,omitempty"`
	Elements ArrayErrors `json:"elements,omitempty"`
	Errors   []string    `json:"errors,omitempty"`

# Helper package refactoring

The helper package has been refactored and split into several focused packages. To upgrade, replace your helper imports with the corresponding package:

  • helper/filesystem moved to util/fsutil
  • helper/walk moved to util/walk
  • New package util/httputil
    • Contains ParseMultiValuesHeader() and HeaderValue
  • New package util/reflectutil
    • Contains Only()
  • New package util/sliceutil
    • Contains IndexOf(), IndexOfStr(), Contains(), ContainsStr() and Equal() (previously named SliceEqual())
  • New package util/sqlutil
    • Contains EscapeLike()
  • New package util/typeutil
    • Contains Map, ToFloat64(), ToString()

# Minor changes

  • Because of the migration from dgrijalva/jwt-go library to the maintained golang-jwt/jwt (opens new window), you will need to update the import paths to github.com/golang-jwt/jwt.
  • JWT: now uses standard sub instead of userid by default. If you are using custom tokens or if your infrastructures relies on tokens generated with userid as a claim, either update everything that depends on userid or modify you token generation with auth.GenerateTokenWithClaims() and ClaimName.
  • database.Paginator field names are now in camel case when json marshalled. Applications that depend on this and that are case-sensitive must be updated.
  • The DisallowNonValidatedFields middleware doesn't exist anymore. If you still want to use it, implement a custom middleware.
  • The unused name parameter in request.Cookie() has been removed. Simply remove parameters from your calls to this method. As this parameter was not in use, this will not change the behavior of your application.
  • Removed the confirmed validation rule. Use same:path.to.field instead.
  • If you were using the logging or rate limiting middleware, you are advised to register them using router.GlobalMiddleware() instead of router.Middleware().

# v3.6.0 to v3.7.0+

The framework was moved to the go-goyave (opens new window) organization and its import path has changed. To upgrade, you just have to replace github.com/System-Glitch/goyave/v3 with goyave.dev/goyave/v3.

# v2.x.x to v3.0.0

First, replace github.com/System-Glitch/goyave/v2 with goyave.dev/goyave/v3.

# Routing changes

Routing has been improved by changing how validation and route-specific middleware are registered. The signature of the router functions have been simplified by removing the validation and middleware parameters from Route(), Get(), Post(), etc. This is now done through two new chainable methods on the Route:

router.Post("/echo", hello.Echo, hellorequest.Echo)

// Becomes
router.Post("/echo", hello.Echo).Validate(hello.EchoRequest)
router.Post("/echo", hello.Echo, nil, middleware.Trim, middleware.Gzip())

// Becomes
router.Post("/echo", hello.Echo).Middleware(middleware.Trim, middleware.Gzip())
router.Post("/echo", hello.Echo, hellorequest.Echo, middleware.Trim)

// Becomes
router.Post("/echo", hello.Echo).Validate(hello.EchoRequest).Middleware(middleware.Trim)

# Convention changes

This release brought changes to the conventions. Although your applications can still work with the old ones, it's recommended to make the change.

  • Move validation.go and placeholders.go to a new http/validation package. Don't forget to change the package instruction in these files.
  • In main.go, import your http/validation package instead of http/request.
  • Validation rule sets are now located in a request.go file in the same package as the controller. So if you had http/request/productrequest/product.go, take the content of that file and move it to http/controller/product/request.go. Rule sets are now named after the name of the controller handler they will be used with, and end with Request. For example, a rule set for the Store handler will be named StoreRequest. If a rule set can be used for multiple handlers, consider using a name suited for all of them. The rules for a store operation are often the same for update operations, so instead of duplicating the set, create one unique set called UpsertRequest. You will likely just have to add Request at the end of the name of your sets.
  • Update your route definition by changing the rule sets you use.
router.Post("/echo", hello.Echo, hellorequest.Echo)

// Becomes
router.Post("/echo", hello.Echo).Validate(hello.EchoRequest)

# Validation changes

Although the validation changes are internally huge, there is only a tiny amount of code to change to update your application. You will have to update all your handlers accessing the request.Rules field. This field is no longer a validation.RuleSet and has been changed to *validation.Rules, which will be easier to use, as the rules are already parsed. Refer to the alternative validation syntax documentation for more details about this new structure.

  • The following rules now pass if the validated data type is not supported: greater_than, greater_than_equal, lower_than, lower_than_equal, size.

# Configuration changes

The new configuration system does things very differently internally, but should not require too many changes to make your project compatible. First, you will have to update your configuration files. Here is an example of configuration file containing all the core entries:

  "app": {
    "name": "goyave_template",
    "environment": "localhost",
    "debug": true,
    "defaultLanguage": "en-US"
  "server": {
    "host": "",
    "maintenance": false,
    "protocol": "http",
    "domain": "",
    "port": 8080,
    "httpsPort": 8081,
    "timeout": 10,
    "maxUploadSize": 10,
    "tls": {
      "cert": "/path/to/cert",
      "key": "/path/to/key"
  "database": {
    "connection": "mysql",
    "host": "",
    "port": 3306,
    "name": "goyave",
    "username": "root",
    "password": "root",
    "options": "charset=utf8mb4&collation=utf8mb4_general_ci&parseTime=true&loc=Local",
    "maxOpenConnections": 20,
    "maxIdleConnections": 20,
    "maxLifetime": 300,
    "autoMigrate": false

If you were using any of the configuration entries above in your code, you should update the keys used in the calls of config.Get(), config.GetString(), config.Bool() and config.Has(). Keys are now dot-separated paths. For example, to access the database host entry, the key is database.host.

For more information, refer to the configuration reference.

If you are using the auth package (basic auth, JWT), you will need to update your configuration entries too.

  • authUsername becomes auth.basic.username
  • authPassword becomes auth.basic.password
  • jwtExpiry becomes auth.jwt.expiry
  • jwtSecret becomes auth.jwt.secret
  "auth": {
    "jwt": {
      "expiry": 300,
      "secret": "jwt-secret"
    "basic": {
      "username": "admin",
      "password": "admin"

Finally, config.Register() function has changed signature. See the configuration documentation for more details on how to migrate.

# Database changes

  • Goyave has moved to GORM v2 (opens new window). Read the release note (opens new window) to learn more about what changed.
    • In your imports, replace all occurrences of github.com/jinzhu/gorm with gorm.io/gorm.
    • In your imports, replace all occurrences of github.com/jinzhu/gorm/dialects/(.*?) with goyave.dev/goyave/v3/database/dialect/$1.
    • Run go mod tidy to remove the old version of gorm.
  • Factories now return interface{} instead of []interface{}. The actual type of the returned value is a slice of the the type of what is returned by your generator, so you can type-assert safely.
records := factory.Generate(5)
insertedRecords := factory.Save(5)

// Becomes
records := factory.Generate(5).([]*model.User)
insertedRecords := factory.Save(5).([]*model.User)

# Minor changes

  • Recovery middleware now correctly handles panics with a nil value. You may have to update your custom status handler for the HTTP 500 error code.
  • Log Formatter now receive the length of the response (in bytes) instead of the full body.
    • log.Formatter is now func(now time.Time, response *goyave.Response, request *goyave.Request, length int) string.
    • If you were just using len(body), just replace it with length.
    • If you were using the content of the body in your logger, you will have to implement a chained writer.
  • Removed deprecated method goyave.CreateTestResponse(). Use goyave.TestSuite.CreateTestResponse() instead.
  • Although it is not a breaking change, chained writers should now implement goyave.PreWriter and call PreWrite() on their child writer if they implement the interface.
func (w *customWriter) PreWrite(b []byte) {
	if pr, ok := w.Writer.(goyave.PreWriter); ok {

# v1.0.0 to v2.0.0

This first update comes with refactoring and package renaming to better fit the Go conventions.

  • goyave.Request.URL() has been renamed to goyave.Request.URI().
    • goyave.Request.URL() is now a data accessor for URL fields.
  • The helpers package has been renamed to helper.
    • The filesystem package thus has a different path: github.com/System-Glitch/goyave/v2/helper/filesystem.


Because this version contains breaking changes. Goyave had to move to v2.0.0. You need to change the path of your imports to upgrade.

Change github.com/System-Glitch/goyave to github.com/System-Glitch/goyave/v2.