# Requests

# Introduction

Handlers receive a goyave.Response and a goyave.Request as parameters. This section is a technical reference of the Request object. This object can give you a lot of information about the incoming request, such as its headers, cookies, or body.

All functions below require the goyave package to be imported.

import "goyave.dev/goyave/v4"

# Methods

# Request.Request

Return the raw http request. Prefer using the "goyave.Request" accessors.

Parameters Return

# Request.Method

The HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.).

Parameters Return


fmt.Println(request.Method()) // "GET"

# Request.Protocol

The protocol used by this request, "HTTP/1.1" for example.

Parameters Return


fmt.Println(request.Protocol()) // "HTTP/1.1"

# Request.URI

URI specifies the URI being requested. Use this if you absolutely need the raw query params, url, etc. Otherwise use the provided methods and fields of the goyave.Request.

Parameters Return


fmt.Println(request.URI().Path) // "/foo/bar"

# Request.Header

Header contains the request header fields either received by the server or to be sent by the client. Header names are case-insensitive.

If the raw request has the following header lines,

Host: example.com
accept-encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-us
fOO: Bar
foo: two

then the header map will look like this:

Header = map[string][]string{
    "Accept-Encoding": {"gzip, deflate"},
    "Accept-Language": {"en-us"},
    "Foo": {"Bar", "two"},
Parameters Return


fmt.Println(request.Header().Get("Content-Type")) // "application/json"

# Request.ContentLength

ContentLength records the length (in bytes) of the associated content. The value -1 indicates that the length is unknown.

Parameters Return


fmt.Println(request.ContentLength()) // 758

# Request.RemoteAddress

RemoteAddress allows to record the network address that sent the request, usually for logging.

Parameters Return


fmt.Println(request.RemoteAddress()) //

# Request.Cookies

Cookies returns the HTTP cookies sent with the request.

Parameters Return


cookies := request.Cookies()


Protect yourself from CSRF attacks (opens new window) when using cookies!

# Request.Referrer

Referrer returns the referring URL, if sent in the request.

Parameters Return


fmt.Println(request.Referrer()) // "https://github.com/go-goyave/goyave/"

# Request.UserAgent

UserAgent returns the client's User-Agent, if sent in the request.

Parameters Return


fmt.Println(request.UserAgent()) // "Mozilla/5.0 ..."

# Request.CORSOptions

Since v2.3.0

Returns the CORS options applied to this request, or nil. Learn more about CORS here.

The returned object is a copy of the options applied to the router. Therefore, altering the returned object will not alter the router's options.

Parameters Return


fmt.Println(request.CORSOptions().AllowedMethods) // "[HEAD GET POST PUT PATCH DELETE]"

# Request.ToStruct

ToStruct map the request data to a struct. The given "dst" parameter should be a struct pointer.

Parameters Return
dst interface{} error


type UserInsertRequest struct {
  Username string
  Email    string

userInsertRequest := UserInsertRequest{}

if err := request.ToStruct(&userInsertRequest); err != nil {

fmt.Println(userInsertRequest) // {johndoe johndoe@example.org}

# Request.BasicAuth

Returns the username and password provided in the request's Authorization header, if the request uses HTTP Basic Authentication.

Parameters Return
username string
password string
ok bool


username, password, ok := request.BasicAuth()
fmt.Println(username) // "admin"
fmt.Println(password) // "secret"
fmt.Println(ok) // true

# Request.BearerToken

Since v2.5.0

Extract the auth token from the "Authorization" header. Only takes tokens of type "Bearer".

Returns empty string if no token found or the header is invalid.

Parameters Return
token string
ok bool


token, ok := request.BearerToken()
fmt.Println(token) // "ey..."
fmt.Println(ok) // true

# Accessors

Since v2.0.0

Accessors are helper functions to retrieve request data without having to write the type assertion. This is helpful to make your controllers cleaner. You shouldn't use these accessors in middleware because they assume the data has been converted by the validation already. Data can still be accessed through the Data attribute. There is currently no accessor for slices.

# Request.Has

Check if the given field exists in the request data.

Parameters Return
field string bool


fmt.Println(request.Has("name")) // true

# Request.String

Get a string field from the request data. Panics if the field is not a string or doesn't exist.

Parameters Return
field string string


fmt.Println(request.String("name")) // "JohnDoe"

# Request.Numeric

Get a numeric field from the request data. Panics if the field is not numeric or doesn't exist.

Parameters Return
field string float64


fmt.Println(request.Numeric("price")) // 42.3

# Request.Integer

Get an integer field from the request data. Panics if the field is not an integer or doesn't exist.

Parameters Return
field string int


fmt.Println(request.Integer("age")) // 32

# Request.Bool

Get a bool field from the request data. Panics if the field is not a bool or doesn't exist.

Parameters Return
field string bool


fmt.Println(request.Bool("EULA")) // true

# Request.File

Get a file field from the request data. Panics if the field is not a file or doesn't exist.

Parameters Return
field string []fsutil.File


for _, f := range request.File("images") {

# Request.Timezone

Get a timezone field from the request data. Panics if the field is not a timezone or doesn't exist.

Parameters Return
field string *time.Location


fmt.Println(request.Timezone("tz").String()) // "America/New_York"

# Request.IP

Get an IP field from the request data. Panics if the field is not an IP or doesn't exist.

Parameters Return
field string net.IP


fmt.Println(request.IP("host").String()) // ""

# Request.URL

Get a URL field from the request data. Panics if the field is not a URL or doesn't exist.

Parameters Return
field string *url.URL


fmt.Println(request.URL("link").String()) // "https://google.com"

# Request.UUID

Get a UUID field from the request data. Panics if the field is not a UUID or doesn't exist.

Parameters Return
field string uuid.UUID


fmt.Println(request.UUID("id").String()) // "3bbcee75-cecc-5b56-8031-b6641c1ed1f1"

# Request.Date

Get a date field from the request data. Panics if the field is not a date or doesn't exist.

Parameters Return
field string time.Time


fmt.Println(request.Date("birthdate").String()) // "2019-11-21 00:00:00 +0000 UTC"

# Request.Object

Get an object field from the request data. Panics if the field is not an object or doesn't exist.

Parameters Return
field string map[string]interface{}


fmt.Println(request.Object("object")) // map[hello:world]

# Attributes

# Request.Rules

The validation rule set associated with this request. See the validation section for more information.

# Request.Data

A map[string]interface{} containing the request's data. The key is the name of the field. This map contains the data from the request's body and the URL query string values. The request's body parameters takes precedence over the URL query string values.

For the given JSON request:

    "name": "John Doe",
    "tags": ["tag1", "tag2"]
fmt.Println(request.Data["name"]) // "John Doe"
fmt.Println(request.Data["tags"]) // "[tag1 tag2]" ([]string)

You would obtain the same result for the following url-encoded request:


Because the Data attribute can hold any type of data, you will likely need type assertion. If you validated your request, checking for type assertion errors is not necessary.

tags, _ := request.Data["tags"].([]string)

# Request.Params

Params is a map[string]string of the route parameters.

For the given route definition and request:

fmt.Println(request.Params["category"]) // "3"
fmt.Println(request.Params["product_id"]) // "5"

# Request.Lang

Lang indicates the language desired by the user. This attribute is automatically set by a core middleware, based on the Accept-Language header, if present. If the desired language is not available, the default language is used.

Learn more in the localization section.

fmt.Println(request.Lang) // "en-US"
fmt.Println(lang.Get(request.Lang, "validation.rules.required")) // "The :field is required."

# Request.Extra

Since v3.3.0

Extra is a map[string]interface{} meant to contain extra data, which is not part of the request body (request.Data). This allows middleware to process some data and pass it to other handlers.


func MyCustomMiddleware(next goyave.Handler) goyave.Handler {
	return func(response *goyave.Response, request *goyave.Request) {
        request.Extra["custom"] = "extra data"
        next(response, request) // Pass to the next handler with the extra data

# Request.User

Since v2.5.0

User is an interface{} containing the authenticated user if the route is protected, nil otherwise.

Learn more in the authentication section.


fmt.Println(request.User.(*model.User).Name) // "John Doe"